World turned upside down
Sorry I haven't written in a while. So much has happened to me, though, I don't know if I can even convey what an upheaval I've had. I'm also feeling really ropey so I apologise if my typing is a bit wonky.
Firstly, Michele and Martin, my humans, packed up all the stuff in the flat and took it out. I mean everything, including my favorite green wooden chair that I like to perch on. Then, one night they woke me up and stuffed me into a horrible, tiny little wooden box that I couldn't see out of. Michele then took me in this little box to somewhere called "the airport". I could hear her crying the whole way, and she kept promising me that everything was going to be alright, which worried me more thananything else.
Later, Michele was gone and I was put in another place. It felt like being in the car, but a lot more rough, and I was travelling somewhere for about 8 hours! I know I was very far from home because my magnetic fields were all over the place, according to my BGPS (Birdy Global Positioning System.) After that, some men took me in a van to a place with lots of other birds. I was handled roughly, but they did speak nicely to me. They put another metal band on my leg. (I already had another one on my other leg, apparently since I hatched out my egg 5 years ago, but I don't remember getting it. But it has been there as long as I remember). Then they took a
q-tip and touched my cloaca with it! I wouldn't have felt so bad if my humans were there, but they had gone.
After that, they put me in a huge glass box with branches and perches in it, and gave me some dinner. It was ok - not as good as I get at home, but I was hungry so I didn't complain. I was so exhausted, I just fell asleep.
The next morning, I woke up and didn't know where I was. Did that ever happen to you? It's very disconcerting. I was still in the glass box, and it was very warm. When I was sleeping someone hat put some of my toys that I recognised in with me. This lady said that my mom sent them for me. She also gave me a honey treat, so I passed the morning gnawing on that and
looking around, hoping that the rest of my flock might appear...but they didn't. There were two noisy
parrots next to me. They were prettyfriendly though. They explained that we were in some sort of bird prison - none of us knew what we'd done wrong though! All around were other birds, some really a lot bigger than me! Some of them had smaller enclosures than I had. I had my birdy buddy (brand name for my bird bed) and some nice perches, too. It was lovely and
warm in there but I was really very sad. Where were the rest of the flock. The other birds had all sorts of scary stories about what was going to happen to us, but after a while I stopped listening.
They all sounded dubious to me. There was one bird, quite a bit older than me, who said that he'd been though it before and that everything would get back to normal soon. Although I was just as dubious about that tale, I clung onto the hope that he might be right. He said he didn't know why were in prison (or "quarentine" as he called it) either.
And I was in that glass box for 30 days. Every day a nice lady came by to feed me, and she talked to me a bit. Sometimes she told me that Michele had called on the phone to check that I was ok, but I didn't believe her. And why did I have to be here anyway?
After 30 days, they grabbed me in a towel and stuck me back in that horrible wooden box. Then they took me in a van to another place, where I waited for 2 hours in this dark room. Suddenly, someone grabbed my box, and I heard Martin and Michele's voices. They had come for me! Michele was crying all over my box. They took me out and put me in a cage that I could see out of, and then put me in the car. Michele drove the car and Martin sat in the back with me. It was so good to be back as a complete flock again. I really hope they never make me go to that place again.
Now, I am home in a new house and it's nice to be with Martin and Michele again, however, I am really, really ill. Well, I'm not as ill as I was last week, but I'm not a well bird. I have all mucus clogging my nares and I'm so tired. I've had to go to the vet 4 times!! Regular readers will
know that going to the vet is my least favourite thing to do. I will post again soon and tell you that whole saga. I'm going to take another nap now. It's all I seem to do these days. So I'm not too happy. I also don't know my way around here...and there's no sign of my green chair perch either...
Bye for now.
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